"> انتشارات قرآن و اهل بیت نبوت ع – آثار مجمع مدارس دانشجویی قرآن و عترت ع دانشگاه تهران | Drop br Drop 2

Drop br Drop 2

ریال 700,000 ریال 630,000

Autor: Fatemeh Hanzaizadeh

Translated by: Fariba Arjmandi

Edited by: Sareh Taromi Rad

Guran & Ahlebayte-e Nobovvat Publishers

در انبار موجود نمی باشد


the verses of the Guran are words of the truth, revealed so the humans grow in their life on the earth towards the divine. this book contains a few drops of the vast ocean of knowledge brought to us by the Guran may studying this selection make qrowth easier for us


Autor: Fatemeh Hanzaizadeh

Translated by: Fariba Arjmandi

Edited by: Sareh Taromi Rad

Guran & Ahlebayte-e Nobovvat Publishers

توضیحات تکمیلی

وزن 101 g