"> انتشارات قرآن و اهل بیت نبوت ع – آثار مجمع مدارس دانشجویی قرآن و عترت ع دانشگاه تهران | Step by Step

Step by Step

ریال 560,000 ریال 510,000

Copiled and Translated by: Nahid Douman Bigloo

Guran & Ahlebayte-e Nobovvat Publishers

در انبار موجود نمی باشد


man and his life have various dimensions, so it is very eye-catching if he is seen with all of his dimensions, and considering all of them, what a wonderful life plan can be arranged! Life … Step be Step is an abstract of the valuable book Principles and Skills of Planning. Although subjects are presented in brief, spending some sufficient time on thinking is yet required. In fact, by thinking about and contemplating the matters, you can change your life into a favorable one, and climb towards the True summit of Happiness step be step


Copiled and Translated by: Nahid Douman Bigloo

Guran & Ahlebayte-e Nobovvat Publishers

توضیحات تکمیلی

وزن 217 g